Friday- window guy coming to measure windows, clean kitchen and bathroom, turn on deep freezer, another load of laundry, put other laundry away, call dad for big tables for Saturday,Spring Cleaning!--did it!!
Saturday- Teach sibiling class from 1030-12, get hair dyed after, shop for last minute party things and maybe an outfit, clean clean clean!, charge cameras, call pizza place, make sure everyone gets a pic of Zak, Spring Cleaning!--Did it!!
Sunday-pick up cake and pizza at noon, vaccuum, make jello things for zak's class, Spring Cleaning!---Had a great party too!!
Monday- court at 1:00, find pics of zak for jackie, buy juice boxes for kindermusik, Spring Cleaning!---I did well!!
Wednesday- Metro 7p, Kindermusik (last class), Spring Cleaning!---Went over my life insurance policy and retirement accounts too.
Thursday-off work. Coupons, maybe take zak to chuck e cheese for his bday, get easter basket ready, Spring Cleaning!---we went to chuck e cheese, and to my friend's house to see her new baby, and grocery shopping, so the easter basket wasn't done :(
This week!
Friday- Metro 7pm, finish the laundry, mark zak's clothes and put them in the attic,Spring Cleaning!, workout
Saturday- workout, Metro 11pm, EASTER BASKET!!!!, Spring Cleaning!
Sunday- Workout, Metro 11pm, Easter brunch, spend time with family, sleep, Spring Cleaning!
Monday- On call 7p-11p, workout, figure out how to start plants indoors, call to sign up for more on call, Spring Cleaning!
Tuesday- Meet with Pat at 2pm (insurance guy), laundry, Spring Cleaning!
Wednesday- Storytime with zak at willowick library 1pm, FREE, clean and Spring Cleaning!
Thursday- Metro 7pm, Spring Cleaning!
Hopefully it will be a nice week and we can get outside more. I love being outdoors and the weather being nice. It puts me in such a better mood.
hows the spring cleaning going??
well i really really cleaned the day of zaks party, so pretty good so far
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