Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Account updates for Feb

Ok Red is last month and Purple is this months:

For my accounts according to mint.com:

  • Etrade (high yeild savings account): $15,484-$16,394 up $910

  • Etrade (house fund): $39-$439 up $400
  • Etrade (emergency fund): $261-$862 up $401
  • Chase (low yeild checking): $2,556- $1267 down $1289

  • Charles Schwab (high yeild checking): $415-$1380 up $965

  • Charles Schwab savings: $1,154-$1006 down $148

  • LHS retirement account: $2,263-$2189 down $74

  • OPERS retirement account: $3,016-$3504 up $488

  • Zak's Etrade savings account:$1,279-$1282 up $3
  • Zak's CollegeAdvantage fund: $656-$602 down $54 (plus some that I put into my life insurance)
  • Coupon savings this month: $61.12-$0
  • Speedy points: 125920-129988
  • Anne Geddes points: 11,532 same
  • Cash back points: (I need to sign up, i will edit this later)
  • Shop at home.com points: $46.41 --got that check - balance now $10.00998

Totals: up $1239 actual money. Didnt include retirement, zak's money or other things that aren't true savings to me. I think I did pretty good.....

My big list of 2009 financial goals

  1. Make menus, keep grocery bill under $40/wk

  2. Get emergency fund established 6 mo of income when there put into CD --as of 11/26/08 opened 2 savings accounts: house fund and emergency fund. Looks like etrade.com has higher rates for the savings accounts than any CD does. Will see what 6mo of income is and go from there 12/7/08---after this month I should kinda have an idea

  3. Biweekly mortgage payments--will start 12/15/08 (and I did :)---still doing

  4. Pick 2 days out of month to pay bills--will start 12/15/08 (did that too :)---still doing

  5. Make little paper of all bills, cross off when paid--Did it.--done.

  6. $100/mo into house fund into high interest savings ---ok thought about this, and im going to try to add $200/month bc i will need it.
  7. All savings from coupons put into house fund and savings ---or fun fund? lol
  8. Save all house receipts to claim

  9. Garage Sale

  10. CD Ladder (higher than 3.29%) Well see how this goes...I will start tomorrow after work...---scratch that the economy sucks.

I think I did well this month. I saved more money. I am going to put $200 into the house and emergency funds again this month. And, still try to save. We have the vacation coming up, so i may take from my savings......well see....

Sounds good? Any ideas?

1 comment:

Jackie said...

look at this cool website: