The year is just moving right along
Meal plans for the week
- Oatmeal (crockpot)
- Waffles
- Pancakes
- Cereal
- Bagels
- turkey sandwiches
- tuna sandwiches/wraps
- chicken wraps
- salad
- soup
- frozen entrees if needed
- Snacks
- fresh fruit
- pudding
- fruit snacks
- string cheese
- granola bars
- 100 calorie snack packs
Friday- Zak off to school, bootcamp class at 5:45, hangout with my friend Jordan with Zak
Saturday-Sibiling class at Tripoint, Joe's wedding, Zaks having a sleepover at G's when we get back
Sunday-Register at Bed Bath and Beyond, Emilee's Birthday party
Monday- Zak's off school!!, Lunch with Jaimie and Lee, work 7p
Tuesday- Zak to school,work 7pm
Wednesday- Zak off to school, Meme's for dinner at 6pm
Thursday- Zak off to school, Emilee's birthday, work 7pm
Master List of January things to accomplish
- Gotta get to the gym 3 times a week.---I did this this past week
- Library Wednesdays every 2 weeks
- Dinner with Meme on Mondays
- Family nights Sat/Sun
- expo tv every monday/friday--getting done!
- Pay off washer and dryer--may be done February
- get ahold of Kevin about our cake
- plan a day for the girls to come to grandmas to see my dress-jan 24
- finalize florist
- book our honeymoon!---this is done
- clean out closets
- book Randi
- precana this month
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