Meal plans for the week
- Oatmeal
- Waffles
- Pancakes
- Cereal
- turkey sandwiches
- egg salad sandwiches
- chicken salad sandwiches or wraps
- tuna sandwiches
- soup
(still have to make these haha we went foodless this week)
- fresh fruit
- yoplait yogurts
- granola bars
- sugar free jello with sugar free coolwhip
- mini ricecakes
- veggies with hummus
- salsa and mini bagel
- cottage cheese
Friday - Zak daycare, zak's bbgame 6:15, hopefully the gym, and hopefully study
Saturday- study in am, gym, pick up manikans from lake west at 1, sarahs party when adam gets home, hopefully go get adams new car!
Sunday- Caring for Kids all day, don't have any plans for the night
Monday- maybe meet with louie the dj, dentist 9:30am, maybe if its nice head to the zoo and westside market!
Tuesday- jackie's surgery, work 7p, study at hospital
Wednesday- work 7p, study in am, zak daycare
Thursday- Zak daycare, day off :)
Busy week, I want to get that mulch down, but the weather has been so nasty.
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