- 2 days a week do bootcamp at the Y, EA sports or run other days - I restarted bootcamp at the Y, also if we ever get breaks and aren't exhausted by morning, we try to run after work. With winter coming again, I may restart EA sports.
- Zak library days once every couple weeks--He gets books from the library right now at school, and with how busy we are, its unrealistic to try and go to the library.
-Pumpkin carving with Zak
-Pattersons farm with Zak
-Pumpkin carving with Zak
-Pattersons farm with Zak
- Meme's house once a week for dinners--Had her over a couple times, and will continue to.
- start a book--Been so busy!!
Vanishing Acts
The Next thing on my List
The Last Kiss
The Choice
The Holocaust Diaries
My horizontal life Been too busy again this month!!
My horizontal life Been too busy again this month!!
- date nights/family nights 1 day a week--Sat/Sun--We just want time together as a family!
Make Money
- inbox dollars: $24.56 (with 91 unread emails, sheesh!)
- coupons: used some but didn't keep track
- expo tv: Current balance: 15379(Goal: 60000) -- same
- beeZag: Current balance: 1330 (goal 8000)
-Down the road, like 2-3 years, one of our goals is to own a couple properties out in Put in Bay.
-Down the road, like 2-3 years, one of our goals is to own a couple properties out in Put in Bay.
- ipads and macbook- will pay off by next year this time. 12 mo no interest. -$215 I pay every month with Adams help
- Pay off credit card every 2 weeks--Doing well here too.
- Clean out closets (Jan,March,June,Sept)--I have to go through wedding stuff, it may not be this month, also my closet needs cleaned out again
- Randi clean once a month-- We used her one time prior to the honeymoon, and won't use her now for a while.
- We need to sell our house.- Just being patient
- Fix little things, paint touch ups etc - Trying to keep it up.
- We need to sell our house.- Just being patient
- Fix little things, paint touch ups etc - Trying to keep it up.
2011 budget
Revised 10/1
all year savings
- $400/mo housefund (from PNC acct)
- Zaks $25/mo in savings and budget for camp ($115/week for 10 weeks i believe) (from charles schwab acct)
- House funds and Emergency fund $100 in each/mo (was $265/mo for both accounts, but i'm decreasing it next year) (from Charles Schwab acct)
- Roth $216/mo (from Charles Schwab acct)
= $841 + $1,150 for camp = $1991/mo then bills. ($441 transferred to Charles Schwab account from PNC acct then $400 into savings at pnc)
Trying to work a little extra here and there, but lately I just want to be HOME!
then: $50/wk groceries
$72/mo gas
$72/mo gas
$60/mo cleaning lady--not always used
$90/mo electric
$800/mo mortgage
$182/mo in car gas
$20/mo life insurance
$40/mo entertainment (people over, going out etc)
$30/mo pharmacy
$20/mo fast food (including coffee)
$110/mo gifts (this is rounded for the whole year)
$215/mo macbook ipads
$215/mo macbook ipads
any auto repairs i'll pull from savings
$215/mo cell phone and home internet (id like to shop for cheaper internet again)
$100/mo house stuff/decor etc
$35/mo on new home security system
$35/mo on new home security system
=$3795 total
Change my name on our accounts this month
Change my name on our accounts this month
- Clinical ladder--Trying to do some things for this year's one
- Work Tues, Wed, Thurs--This has been hard
- hopefully get a Nurse Facilitator Job!--extra and overtime, long days!
- NCC updates- try to find some cheap CEUs
-Start studying ACLS for the mock code 10/17
- hopefully get a Nurse Facilitator Job!--extra and overtime, long days!
- NCC updates- try to find some cheap CEUs
-Start studying ACLS for the mock code 10/17
Tumblr. I need to update more
ITS DONE!! But lets look at post wedding to dos:
Pick out pics for wall
Upload pics to CVS
Upload pics to CVS
Master List of October things to accomplish
- Gotta get to the gym 3 times a week.
- Dinner with Meme on whatever days we can! (start planning it in the week again)
- Pattersons farm with Zak
- Pumpkin Carving
- pick out pics for our wall
- upload pics to cvs.com
- Keep Zak doing his homework well, PSR, and soccer and basketball
- declutter closets (mine and upstairs)
- work on clinical ladder and CEUs
- expo tv every monday/friday--TRY to get back to this and inbox dollars
- Call charles schwab on my IRA--hold until after the new year now
- Get Meme bday card
- Change name on cc and bank accounts
- Schedule with realtor
- Start studying ACLS
- Pick out something to make for Zak's halloween party
- Maybe buy Airport and Apple TV
- Pay CC 10/6 add up adams chuck purchases and 10/20 add up adams chuck
purchases , transfer $$ 10/6 (savings to outside accts, house downpayment $200) then 10/20 (savings, house downpayment $200 and bills)
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