Meal plans for the week
- Oatmeal
- Waffles
- Pancakes
- Cereal
- mini bagels
- turkey sandwiches
- tuna sandwiches/wraps
- salad
- soup
- Porcupine meatballs in the crockpot---will do this week
- dethaw ravioli casserole
- Chedder Veggie Lasagna
- skillet dinner/hamburger helper
- Easy Parmesan Chicken Skewers
Snacks - fresh fruit
- yoplait yogurts
- granola bars
- 100 calorie snack packs
- veggies with hummus
- salsa and mini bagel
- cottage cheese
Saturday- staying over at the campgrounds. Hopefully some good reading can get done.
Sunday- Bridal show, baptism, birthday party. The end lol
Monday- Zak to daycamp, hopefully get nails done, laundry from trip, work 7pm
Tuesday- Zak to daycamp, work 7pm
Wednesday- off, workout before I get zak
Thursday- Zak to daycamp, soccer, yardwork hopefully
Master List of July things to accomplish
- Register for 5k--gotta send in the form
Run with Jackie/Adam--did this at the relay for lifeplaydate--yesterday with sharon- pam and frank game night
- continue to work with zak on letters/numbers
Febreze party--success- hotel stay---next month
trailer stayDVD of home movies--working on this when i'm done on the computer- repost to craigslist
scrub garbage cans and toy binweedgardensplit $1000 between house fund $265, emergency fund $265, Roth IRA that I will be opening 1/10 $416, $20 Zakpay metro billpay for DMV new license stuffnew budgetget girls to get dresses- refinance
email angie about RNC exam
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