Well meals are going to look about the same because we went out to eat a whole lot last week!!
Meal plans for the week
- Oatmeal
- Waffles
- Pancakes
- Cereal
- turkey sandwiches
- egg salad sandwiches
- tuna sandwiches
- soup
- Adam's Omelets
- fresh fruit
- yogurt with ganola
- granola bars
- pretzels
- sugar free jello with sugar free coolwhip
- raisins
- mini ricecakes
Friday - all done
Saturday- were going to visit my grandma soon in the hospital
Sunday- workout, Sunday school 9:30a, grocery shop, metro 11pm
Monday- Zak daycare, pick up zucchini, target for cat litter and vitamins, library, and post office, metro 7p
Tuesday- zak daycare, workout, on call 7p, work 11p metro
Wednesday- Zak daycare, tripoint 7p
Thursday- Zak daycare, Metro 7pm on call, work 11pm, maybe dinner with my sisters
Well, lots of work. I really need to get my workouts in this week. I feel fat and lazy...
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