I am looking back on my blog this past year. I have labeled all my goals. Lets take a look:
By the end of December:
Close ING account, or make it a house fund (check for high rates)--11/26/08 transferred money will close account 12/2/08---12/7/08 done.
Close BOA --11/26/08 transferred money will close account 12/2/08---12/7/08 done.
Ipod Touch (well i guess thats a debt)--Done on black friday---12/7/08 done.
move more to savings---12/7/08 done. Moving all lake east paychecks to savings.
start budget. save every reciept and document daily. (maybe ill type up my budget list on here)--starting 12/1/08---12/7/08 half done, you will see it Dec 31 :)
Start planning menus again--started 11/25/08---12/7/08 done.
Post grocery lists and deal from supermarkets.---12/7/08 done kinda, we dont need much.
My big list of 2009 financial goals
- Make menus, keep grocery bill under $40/wk
I'm not sure if i'm that low a week. But I have been good about menus!
Get emergency fund established 6 mo of income when there put into CD --as of 11/26/08 opened 2 savings accounts: house fund and emergency fund. Looks like etrade.com has higher rates for the savings accounts than any CD does. Will see what 6mo of income is and go from there 12/7/08
Biweekly mortgage payments--will start 12/15/08
- Pick 2 days out of month to pay bills--will start 12/15/08
Doing ok with that. All my bills are paid.
Make little paper of all bills, cross off when paid--that's easy, why haven't i done it?
Save all house receipts to claim
- Garage Sale
CD Ladder (higher than 3.29%) Well see how this goes...I will start tomorrow after work...---scratch that the economy sucks.
Just wanted to share some personal goals of mine:
Build a GardenBuy a Lawn mowerBuy new windowsGet a new washer n dryer on black friday 2009- get an estimate on insulation for the sunroom
- Clean out the Garage and fix the door
- New lock for the garage
Finish up the new babysitting class i'm creating for the hospital.
And for myself
- Workout at least 3 days a week
- eat more fruits and veggies
continue to work with zak since he will not be in preschool.
(he's reading)
- Paint my house sign to put on the outside of my house. It only needs a few things. Still never did that
- Paint my living room
- Insulate my attic Still never did that
- Fix the fence ( I need nice weather) I needed another person to help
Pillows for daybed
New garage door
Get stuff together and priced for garage sales---:(
Get Grill here from my aunts house
Fix Trellis
Clean out Garage
Clean out basement
I need to do for myself
Run a 5K
Make my body fat 20% (my scale says 22%)--still hovering in 20-22%
Take a multivitamin everyday
Workout at least 3 times a week
Cook meals and eat lots of raw veggies/fruits
Have a family member over twice a month for dinner --at least 1 a month we have
at least once a week take zak somewhere "fun"
work with zak on his "homework" at least 3 days a week --I need to work on that
read to zak on nights i'm off
do a craft with zak once a week
truely clean the house once a week
figure out what to do with zak's room (for decor) --working on that. Hoping to paint in spring
Keep our closets organized
have a garage sale!! ---this is mentioned way too much
look into updating things like entertainment stand, kitchen things, etc
Keep contributing to Roth, Zak, and such
keep doing my coupons
keep doing swagbucks
Enter 3 giveaways a week.---I never win I gave up
So there it is. Break it down to the goals I never accomplished and they are as followed:
Make menus, keep grocery bill under $40/wk I'm not sure if i'm that low a week. But I have been good about menus!
Garage Sale :(
get an estimate on insulation for the sunroom
Paint my house sign to put on the outside of my house.
Insulate my attic
-Fix the fence ( I need nice weather) I needed another person to help
Blub for outside light to see if it will work
grass seed for front yard
Have a family member over twice a month for dinner
work with zak on his "homework" at least 3 days a week
do a craft with zak once a week
Take time to meet with friends once a month away from Zak
Have friends over at least once a month to hangout
figure out what to do with zak's room (for decor)
Do an ACLS class
Look into Lakeland for CPR instructing ---too much work.
Enter 3 giveaways a week.---I never win I gave up