March Goals In Life

-No more freezer meals (no room in freezer), we're going to keep $50/wk groceries if we can and try a new recipe every week- Crockpot, Easy, Hard, bake something, and Cheap :) So far so good-Get Zak involved in soccer/baseball and a class at the Y-Signed up for Variety of sports today on tuesdays and then baseball sign ups are tomorrow
-Get Jimmy involved in the Y when he is 6 mo also a library storytime- ongoing goal
-Eat out on a budget too. Not more than 2x/mo unless we're invited- Doing ok here
-Workout 2x/wk instead of 3 I think is more doable for me. Jimmy can go in childwatch at 5mos-Signed him up for childwatch today. I may try to go tomorrow
- Holiday Camplands twice this summer if we can again-July and August?
- Invite a family member over for dinner 1x/week-ongoing goal
- Try to do a date night once a month-ongoing goal---still haven't had one :(
- Try to do a date night once a month-ongoing goal---still haven't had one :(
- read 3 books by next year-Finished Gone Girl. Going to start a new one soon
- church on sundays at least 2x/mo-ongoing goal---gotta be off Sat nights...
- get movies to dvd-by march--starting this month. I bought DVDs (Step one) =)
- find Zak and Jimmy the best possible sitter-Jocelyn has started
- keep getting Zak to the library-He owes them a book!!
- church on sundays at least 2x/mo-ongoing goal---gotta be off Sat nights...
- get movies to dvd-by march--starting this month. I bought DVDs (Step one) =)
- find Zak and Jimmy the best possible sitter-Jocelyn has started
- keep getting Zak to the library-He owes them a book!!
Make Money
- inbox dollars-ongoing goal---yeah i stink....
- expo tv -ongoing goal
- nursing videos-ongoing goal
- couponing when appropriate-ongoing goal
- speedy rewards-45337
- swagbucks-3427
- Adams commision-ongoing goal
- homecare, check in every 3 months (Feb,May,Aug, Nov) --checked in jan, she said they would contact me
- nursing videos-ongoing goal
- couponing when appropriate-ongoing goal
- speedy rewards-45337
- swagbucks-3427
- Adams commision-ongoing goal
- homecare, check in every 3 months (Feb,May,Aug, Nov) --checked in jan, she said they would contact me
- Get rid of Levin and Home Depot-Home depot will be gone...stuck with Levin for now
- Pay off credit card every 2 weeks-ongoing goal
- Pay off Patio-By March---we have officially saved enough :)
- Pay off Patio-By March---we have officially saved enough :)
- Do Patio and yard ($11,000 in cash)-saved!
- Save for hot tub & Fence-ongoing goal
- Save for hot tub & Fence-ongoing goal
- clean up walls from amy's party and get door hung- done :)
- fill the rest of the photo frames-by February---gotta do this still
2013 budget
just going to update how we did. We are using Dave Ramsey's system and
so far without a paycheck in December we're not doing terrible.-revising it this month again bc i bought a new car
- Clinical ladder start 2013s-ongoing goal
- Volunteer for 3 Lake Health events- Blood drive #1, Kids Day #2
- See if there's a research project to help with--Jackie's checking
- Help with Competency Day--in May
- Project for our unit
- Go to a Maternity Conference
- Volunteer for 3 Lake Health events- Blood drive #1, Kids Day #2
- See if there's a research project to help with--Jackie's checking
- Help with Competency Day--in May
- Project for our unit
- Go to a Maternity Conference
- NCC renewal 2013-December
- ACLS renewal done :)
- ACLS renewal done :)
- CEUs-- do a bunch for clinical ladder 2013-ongoing goal
Monthly Meals
Monthly Meals
-Make a weekly menu-ongoing goal
- $11,000 for patio- done
- start Jimmy's savings-Opened one at PNC for Zak too.
- put $$ towards emergency fund-start after fence and dog?
- start Jimmy's savings-Opened one at PNC for Zak too.
- put $$ towards emergency fund-start after fence and dog?
Bigger projects to tackle once a week
- Organize pantry--check
- Dscale Keurig--check
- Put away James's outgrown clothes
- Go through bin in Garage for Zaks new clothes---check
- Clean washing machine
- Clean dishwasher
- Return xmas items
- Clean cookie sheets