- 2 days a week do bootcamp at the Y, EA sports or run other days-This is going well. I was sick a week this month, but otherwise, pretty good. I also notice the painesville YMCA now has bootcamp, so I may hit that up Mon and/or Wed nights!
- Zak library days once every couple weeks--Fridays after school are going well!
- Meme's house once a week for dinners--So far so good, I love it!
- start a book--finished it! I need to finish the one I got now.
Vanishing Acts
The Next thing on my List
The Next thing on my List
- date nights/family nights 1 day a week--Sat/Sun--Adam started his new job. This week has been nuts, so I think we will like it when this month slows down
Make Money
- inbox dollars: Current balance $29.06 :)
- coupons: Didn't do much last month and probably not this month ethier, unless its NEEDED
- expo tv: Current balance: 8539 (Goal: 60000)
- hit 4 pay: Current balance: $12.58
- beeZag: Current balance: 2210 (goal 8000)
- beeZag: Current balance: 2210 (goal 8000)
- ebay: still stuck here...
- washer and dryer (pay off in Jan)--well this didn't work out. I think i'm gonna wait for my tax return and pay this off. For now I want to do my normal "Savings" contributions.
- Pay off credit card every 2 weeks--yucko this past month.
- Clean out closets (Jan,March,June,Sept)--Did mine for Jan.
- Randi clean once a month--hopefully next week
2011 budget
all year savings
- $500/mo wedding (from PNC acct)
- Zaks $25/mo in savings and budget for camp ($115/week for 10 weeks i believe) (from charles schwab acct)
- House funds and Emergency fund $100 in each/mo (was $265/mo for both accounts, but i'm decreasing it next year) (from Charles Schwab acct)
- Roth $416/mo (from Charles Schwab acct)
= $13,692 + $1,150 for camp = $1236/mo then bills. ($756 transferred to Charles Schwab account from PNC acct)
then: $50/wk groceries
$50/mo gas
$60/mo cleaning lady
$72/mo electric
$790/mo mortgage
$182/mo in car gas
$20/mo life insurance
$40/mo entertainment (people over, going out etc)
$30/mo pharmacy
$20/mo fast food (we are no longer buying out coffee)
$110/mo gifts
any auto repairs i'll pull from savings
$180/mo cell phone and home internet
$100/mo house stuff/decor etc
=$2990 total
This is gonna be a tight year. I'm not looking to updating anything in the house, just repairs. Notice I dont have anything for clothing lol. I just hope we dont spend $110/mo on gifts or $30/mo pharmacy etc. I'm getting off my birth control soon, so that'll save me $15/mo too.
- Clinical ladder (2010 & 2011)--finish 2010 by Jan 31st--DONE!!
- Work wed&thurs sat/sun
- hopefully get a Nurse Facilitator Job!
- hopefully get a Nurse Facilitator Job!
Here's a big list of meals I created, i'll cross them off as we eat them :)
Chicken Cacciatore
Slow cooker Beef stew
Awesome slow cooker meatballs
Slow cooker Chicken Cacciatore
Slow cooker Ravioli Casserole (crowd size)
Cheesy Salsa Mini Meatloafs
Bruschetta Chicken Bake
Slow cooker beef strogonoff
Slow cooker white chicken chili
Pumpkin Lasagna
Shepherds pie
Layered Fiesta Casserole
Cream Chicken Bacon Penne
Spaghetti Bolgonese
Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese soup
Slow cooker cream cheese chicken
Easy Crockpot Salsa Chicken
Swiss Veggie Casserole
Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Chicken and Brocoli Alfredo
Chicken and rice divan
Chicken Primavera with Pasta
Overnight oatmeal
Bistro Chicken
Broccoli Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Italian Marinated Chicken
Unstuffed Peppers
Taco Salad Bowls
Skillet Chicken and Vegetable Parmesan
Skillet Garlic Chicken
Hearty Italian Chicken Chowder
Foil pack Bruschetta Chicken Bake
Tasty 2 step Chicken
Slow cooker Chicken and Dumplings
Mozzerella Stuffed Meatloaf
Chicken Broccoli and Mushroom Bake
Healified Fettichini Alfredo
Three bean turkey Chili
Chicken Penne Florentine Bake
Grilled Turkey Club
Chuckwagon Chili Mac
bbq roasted chicken with parmesan potatoes
Favorite grilled chicken caesar salad
Master List of February things to accomplish
- Gotta get to the gym 3 times a week.
- Library Fridays every 2 weeks
- Dinner with Meme on Mondays
- Family nights Sat/Sun
- expo tv every monday/friday
- Get ATM set up
- finish invites
- Day with Fr Ted
- finalize florist
- book Randi
- book Kalahari!! (for April)
- hopefully get my new job
- Pay CC 2/10 and 2/15, transfer $$ 2/2 for savings