Friday, April 17, 2009

Focus Friday

Focus Friday

Last week's recap:
Friday- Metro 7pm, finish the laundry, mark zak's clothes and put them in the attic,Spring Cleaning!, workout---did it!

workout, Metro 11pm, EASTER BASKET!!!!, Spring Cleaning!
---did it!

Sunday- Workout, Metro 11pm, Easter brunch, spend time with family, sleep, Spring Cleaning!
---did it!

Monday- On call 7p-11p, workout, figure out how to start plants indoors , call to sign up for more on call, Spring Cleaning!---did it! and we actually started our little indoor garden. See below.

Tuesday- Meet with Pat at 2pm (insurance guy), laundry, Spring Cleaning!--did this too. (see life insurance post) I also cleaned the house very well that day, and did laundry

Wednesday- Storytime with zak at willowick library 1pm, FREE, clean and Spring Cleaning!--I was very tired wednesday, so we didn't go to the library. But later that day I did a really good workout and got our hair cut.

Thursday- Metro 7pm, Spring Cleaning!
--ugh did it. and tired.

And on to this week! Its a bad work week.
Friday- Metro 7pm, Spring Cleaning!, workout
Saturday- East 7pm, Spring Cleaning!,
Sunday- East 7pm, Maybe walgreens shop, Spring Cleaning!, workout
Monday- Metro 7pm, laundry, Spring Cleaning!
Tuesday-, Spring Cleaning,!, workout,
Wednesday-, Spring Cleaning!,workout, no surfing*, get car receipts out and make a log of car repairs, get receipts for daycare together, go thru DVDs and sort them
Thursday- Educator Meeting 6:30 work East 7:00, Spring Cleaning!,workout

I also want to adapt a new thing. No surfing days. Meaning, no going online for one day a week, to just catch up on family time more. (this includes my son using the computer for and whatnot)

I know this will be a lot easier in summer because we'll be outside, but i'm going to set aside Wednesday this week for that. I was going to make it No Surfing Sundays, but my schedules so funky that I would have to surf at work. So, my rules:
  • I have to be off work
  • I have to have my recipe printed for the next day
  • I have to not even use my ipod touch (AHH almost like jail haha)
But I think it will be good for us :-)

I'm also trying to workout more, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to me. I don't notice a difference in my body at all. (Probably bc I eat too much Easter candy). But hey, at least my 4 yr old isn't consuming it all!!

Ok off to bed...

1 comment:

Jackie said...

i like your plant pic!